Mommy & Me

Mommy and Me Spanish classes help introduce the Spanish language to your toddler (12-24 months) at a wonderful time of language learning and development! Parent and child will enjoy stories, music, games, and hands-on activities, having fun with the language together! Our engaging, interactive classes allow young children to begin discovering the sounds and language patterns of Spanish, planting seeds for future learning.

The class is offered in the spring and fall semesters at select locations. Each semester is 10 weeks in length. Classes are 45 minutes.


Each week is a new adventure with activities like:

  • Story Time – Classic stories help introduce Spanish vocabulary.
  • Music & Movement – Favorite children’s songs in Spanish make us get up and dance!
  • Games – Hands-on games make valuable language connections.
  • Art – Art activities engage our imaginations and provide sensory stimulation.

Mommy & Me FAQs

What ages of children do you accept in your Mommy & Me program?

Our program is designed for children ages 12-24 months.

If Mom or Dad is unavailable, can another caregiver attend with the child?

Yes, absolutely! A caregiver, grandparent, or other special adult is welcome to bring the child and enjoy the fun together with their little one.

What will we experience in class?

Our classes are an interactive experience, so you and your child will participate in singing, dancing, story time, art, and more. The class is all conducted in Spanish, but there will be plenty of visual materials, body language, and other clues used to help you follow along, regardless of your level of Spanish. Enjoy this precious bonding time with your toddler while developing language and cultural awareness together!